Wednesday 22 August 2012


These are some cool cool facebook status

 that u can use in your facebook for getting

 many like and for getting comments 

    • Just listen to my heart
    • Too many people spend money they haven't earned to impress those who dont like them
    • I would rather be honest  than impressive
    • Some times u never know the exact meaning of the moment until it becomes a memory
    • Past is nice place to visit but certainly not good place to stay
    • As i have grown older i believed that pleasing every one is impossible
    •  but pissing every one is like peice of cake
    • My dreams are my wishes that my heart makes
    • Sorry friends no dating !! until i'm 18
    • My positive attitude may not solve  your problems, 
    but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.lolssssss
    • You standard is too low to like my posts 
    • I accepts u as u r, and I will always hold u close in my heart. I will walk beside u forever.
    • If someone don't appreciates ur presence.feel them apreciate ur absence
    • If I do not appreciate your presence...I definitely will appreciate your absence! :D
    • I feel too bad because i expected alot
    • No expectations , no disappointments
    • No matter how hard life is , i will never give up
    • In school we can copy , but in life we can't :-p
    • Cheating is a  choice not a mistake
    • I will make my own kind of happiness
    • I need some like pencil with eraser to write happiness and erase my tears
    • Courage is the way to speak and listen to others
    •  My  atitude makes a little bit difference 
    • Winners never look back but they never forget thier past 
    • What u get from others is living,what you get is life   
    • MY character represents my stream of life 
    • The most beauiful thing in the world can be just felt
    • Future belongs to those whose have a firm beleive in their dreams 
    • There is calmness after every storm
    • One can acquire everything back but lost character ever come again 
    • If u dont like something ,change it,if u cant,then change the atitude

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