Friday 24 August 2012

How to earn money from google ads

   How to earn online

Google provides opprtunity for earning money from online blogging and surfing the net.if u want to earn some money then you have to do the following steps first of all creat a blog or you should creat some youtube account for this .then you have to update your post on daily basis ..but keep in mind you should not visit your blog too much . then apply for google adsence ,and your earning will be started. the link for adsence account can be activated here google adsence.

  Step1:                          How to Create a Blog

First of all creat a google account google acount
this google  will be used to creat a blog.
you can creat a google account here

Create google account 

Note: if you already have a gmail or google account then you can use that acount 

fill up the form there and then open your blog website .you can sign up for blog here

Step2:                                Name your blog 

well the name of the blog should be
 taken by care as it should be very
 common to people and people
 can search your blog from key words.
keywords are the words that we use in the search engines like google
Step 3:                                    Start posting 
           You should post the material written by you.
      Do not copy it from other websites and paste  
        else your google adsence will be blocked 

Step 4:                                 Get google adsence

Your google adsence will be actived
 from a signup after completing
 that signup and then your blog
 will be automatically given ad's.
whoever will visit your blogs
 will be given the post as well as ad's.
 on clicking the ad's .you will
 be given some amount of money.
Note:Donot click the ad's yourself

by clicking the ad's yourself your adsence will be blocked 


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