Friday 7 September 2012

battery shel iphone 5s finally revealled

wow this is the amazing stuff to be get noticed ,
recentlly apple has blamed a samsung for illegal design cloning
yet this is the sheel for iphone thats has been on repair .this battery has a heiht of inch larger than iphone 4s
and is slightly little bit heavy than its 4s battery and thickness remain the same .
it uses a battery of 3.8 Volts / 5.44 or 5.45 W/hr
the comparison btw both is shown bellow
both have the same plug for carefull to see the specification details.

iphone 5s

this is the recently snaps of iphone by apple ,this beautifull desigh will be launched on 12 sept by apple

clashes between Samsung and Apple on design

Clashes in between samsung and iphone have been reported,both the companies are concerning the courts .The chinese Goo phone has been accused of stealing the designs for its android based smart phone as similar to apples iphone 5's.The Goophone has these designs for its smart phone named goophone L5 that has been just released before the apples iphone 5s.the apples 5s will be launched on sept 12 .goophone is preserving its rights for annoucing its design that are supposed to be the fiinal product of iphone 5s.
The apple's iphone 5's phone is mainly a modification in its previous versions of iphone 4 and 4s, so Aplle will be having no problems in claining the modification of its previous iphones .
after the injection of Apples ,the samsung galaxy 10.1 has been banned to seel in australlia ,both are the top manufacturers of android based handsets
here is the snap for both the hand sets  ,both sets have rounded corner and fabolus desighn .little bit similarity

Friday 24 August 2012

How to earn money from google ads

   How to earn online

Google provides opprtunity for earning money from online blogging and surfing the net.if u want to earn some money then you have to do the following steps first of all creat a blog or you should creat some youtube account for this .then you have to update your post on daily basis ..but keep in mind you should not visit your blog too much . then apply for google adsence ,and your earning will be started. the link for adsence account can be activated here google adsence.

  Step1:                          How to Create a Blog

First of all creat a google account google acount
this google  will be used to creat a blog.
you can creat a google account here

Create google account 

Note: if you already have a gmail or google account then you can use that acount 

fill up the form there and then open your blog website .you can sign up for blog here

Step2:                                Name your blog 

well the name of the blog should be
 taken by care as it should be very
 common to people and people
 can search your blog from key words.
keywords are the words that we use in the search engines like google
Step 3:                                    Start posting 
           You should post the material written by you.
      Do not copy it from other websites and paste  
        else your google adsence will be blocked 

Step 4:                                 Get google adsence

Your google adsence will be actived
 from a signup after completing
 that signup and then your blog
 will be automatically given ad's.
whoever will visit your blogs
 will be given the post as well as ad's.
 on clicking the ad's .you will
 be given some amount of money.
Note:Donot click the ad's yourself

by clicking the ad's yourself your adsence will be blocked 


Wednesday 22 August 2012


These are some cool cool facebook status

 that u can use in your facebook for getting

 many like and for getting comments 

    • Just listen to my heart
    • Too many people spend money they haven't earned to impress those who dont like them
    • I would rather be honest  than impressive
    • Some times u never know the exact meaning of the moment until it becomes a memory
    • Past is nice place to visit but certainly not good place to stay
    • As i have grown older i believed that pleasing every one is impossible
    •  but pissing every one is like peice of cake
    • My dreams are my wishes that my heart makes
    • Sorry friends no dating !! until i'm 18
    • My positive attitude may not solve  your problems, 
    but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.lolssssss
    • You standard is too low to like my posts 
    • I accepts u as u r, and I will always hold u close in my heart. I will walk beside u forever.
    • If someone don't appreciates ur presence.feel them apreciate ur absence
    • If I do not appreciate your presence...I definitely will appreciate your absence! :D
    • I feel too bad because i expected alot
    • No expectations , no disappointments
    • No matter how hard life is , i will never give up
    • In school we can copy , but in life we can't :-p
    • Cheating is a  choice not a mistake
    • I will make my own kind of happiness
    • I need some like pencil with eraser to write happiness and erase my tears
    • Courage is the way to speak and listen to others
    •  My  atitude makes a little bit difference 
    • Winners never look back but they never forget thier past 
    • What u get from others is living,what you get is life   
    • MY character represents my stream of life 
    • The most beauiful thing in the world can be just felt
    • Future belongs to those whose have a firm beleive in their dreams 
    • There is calmness after every storm
    • One can acquire everything back but lost character ever come again 
    • If u dont like something ,change it,if u cant,then change the atitude